Reduced storage system size when combined with dual-axis trackers
Best combination dual-axis tracker with solar storage
The new generation of solar + storage systems requires large investments in storage and batteries systems for complying with the various offtakers extended operation of solar systems. Although the cost of lithium-ion batteries has reduced substantially the last several years it continues to be a driving factor of the financials of large scale utility projects.
One of the benefits using Mechatron’s M18KD tracker is the extended shoulder of power production capable to push power into the grid till 8pm in the summer months. This stretched energy yielding reduces the required storage capacity when compared with ground mount and horizontal single-axis trackers. As seen in the charts below the horizontal tracker forces the storage system to start injecting energy at 4pm compared to the dual-axis scenario where the storage kicks in at 5pm with less capacity.
The time-delayed discharging pattern of the dual-axis results in more energy injected into the grid at later hours with increased revenues and higher IRR according to CPUC pricing model and current PPA rates. In average a storage system installed with a dual-axis tracker system with equal power with horizontal trackers costs at least 22% less for producing equal energy and financial results.
The dual-axis tracking extends the battery output nearly a full hour into the evening peak to serve load.