Solar Renewable Energy for 24/7 utility-scale plants
Solar Renewable Energy for 24/7 utility-scale plants with Mechatron’s M18KD™ Gearless Dual Axis Tracker
A Renewable “Flex capacity Power Plant” is an innovative combination of Mechatron’s gearless dual axis solar trackers with a vanadium redox flow battery.
- Replace coal and gas turbine power plants
- Permanent de-commission traditional fossil-fuel power plants
- Zero carbon emissions
- Lower capital costs compared to baseline plants with equal production
- Lower operations and maintenance costs, 47% less than gas turbines
- No fuel costs
- Excessive daily production loads storage batteries for evening or night discharge
- 100% renewable power source
- The highest IRR and lowest LCOE compared to any other traditional power technology
To find out how much you can save with clean, reliable solar electric power, contact us.
™ M18KD is a trademark of Mechatron Solar Inc.